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1. Exclusive Submission Requirement:


  • All work submitted must not have been previously shared or published by any other publications or outlets.

  • Material must remain exclusive to "Hysteria," "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM," "Hysteria Angels," and "Hysteria Mens" upon submission and inclusion.


2. Prohibition on Sharing and Dissemination:


  • Contributors are explicitly prohibited from sharing, publishing, or disseminating their submitted content through any other digital or physical platforms. This prohibition extends to media outlets, publications, and any other public channels. 

  • This prohibition is in place to safeguard the integrity of the material and maintain its original context within the specified publications.


3. Exclusive Property of "Hysteria," "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM," "Hysteria Angels," and "Hysteria Mens":


  • Upon submission and subsequent inclusion, the submitted material becomes the exclusive property of "Hysteria," "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM," "Hysteria Angels," and "Hysteria Mens."

  • This measure aims to prevent dilution of the work's exclusivity and ensures that it is experienced solely within the mentioned publications.


4. Implicit Commitment to Non-Disclosure Agreement:


  • Contributors, by submitting their work, implicitly commit to a non-disclosure agreement.

  • Contributors, by submitting their work, implicitly commit to a non-disclosure agreement, acknowledging the significance of maintaining the confidentiality and exclusivity of the content. 

  • This commitment acknowledges the significance of maintaining the confidentiality and exclusivity of the content within the specified publications.


5. Enforcement of Exclusivity:


  • “Hysteria," "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM," "Hysteria Angels," and "Hysteria Mens." reserve the right to take appropriate measures to enforce exclusivity, protecting the submitted work from unauthorized use or distribution.


6. Personal Use of Submission-Related Links:


  • Upon receipt of submission-related links, information, etc., contributors acknowledge that any links or materials provided are intended solely for their personal use.

  • Contributors are explicitly prohibited from sharing, distributing, or disseminating the submission-related links or content with any third parties.

  • This prohibition encompasses actions such as forwarding, copying, printing, or any other means of making the information accessible to external individuals or entities. 

  • By completing an inquiry form, filling out a form, etc., you hereby acknowledge and agree that the information presented is provided exclusively for your personal use and is of a strictly confidential nature. 

  • You are explicitly prohibited from sharing the link or any of its contents with any third parties.


7. Confidentiality Agreement:


  • Contributors bear the responsibility of upholding the confidentiality of the information provided. 

  • By completing inquiry forms, filling out a form, etc., and accessing this content, you willingly accept the responsibility to uphold the confidentiality of the information provided herein.

  • Should you not concur with these terms, we kindly request that you refrain from sending in a submission inquiry. 

  • This confidentiality agreement is in place to protect the integrity of the information and the interests of all parties involved.


8. Safeguarding Against Unauthorized Access:


  • The confidentiality agreement is in place to safeguard against unauthorized access and potential misuse.

  • This trust is fundamental to fostering a collaborative environment where contributors feel secure in sharing their creative endeavors.


9. Enforcement of Safeguarding Against Unauthorized Access:


  • “Hysteria," "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM," "Hysteria Angels," and "Hysteria Mens." reserve the right to take appropriate measures to enforce safeguarding against unauthorized access, protecting the information provided from unauthorized use or distribution.

  • "Hysteria," "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM," "Hysteria Angels," and "Hysteria Mens." reserve the right to take appropriate measures to enforce the safeguarding against unauthorized access protecting Hysteria materials from unauthorized use or distribution.


10. Ownership and Exclusivity of Submitted Material:


  • All work submitted must be the genuine creation of the contributor and must be previously unpublished material.

  • This includes written works, images, or otherwise.

  • The exclusivity clause serves as a protective measure, safeguarding the creative integrity of each submission.


11. Age Requirement:


  • Contributors must be 18 years of age or older to submit to "Hysteria," "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM," "Hysteria Angels," and "Hysteria Mens."

  • This age requirement is a fundamental eligibility condition, and no exceptions will be granted under any circumstances.


12. Submission Process and Financial Compensation:


  • All submissions are accepted strictly on a submission basis.

  • Submission implies the contributor's acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined herein. 

  • Contributors acknowledge and agree that, at present, "Hysteria", "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM", "Hysteria Angels”, and “Hysteria Mens” does not provide any financial compensation for submitted contributions (unless stated otherwise). 

  • Submission of work is voluntary and does not entail any monetary remuneration (unless stated otherwise).


13. Contributor Copies:


  • Contributors understand that due to logistical constraints, "Hysteria", "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM", "Hysteria Angels”, and “Hysteria Mens” are unable to provide individual copies to each contributor, whether in physical or digital form.

  • The decision not to provide contributor copies to every contributor is based on practical considerations, such as printing costs, distribution challenges, and the overall volume of contributors.


14. Fee-Free Submission Policy:


  • There is no fee associated with submitting your work for consideration in any issue of "Hysteria", "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM", "Hysteria Angels”, and “Hysteria Mens”.

  • This fee-free submission policy is rooted in our commitment to removing financial barriers for creatives.


15. Modification of Terms and Conditions:


- "Hysteria," "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM," "Hysteria Angels," and "Hysteria Mens" reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

- Contributors are encouraged to review the terms periodically for any updates.


By submitting content to "Hysteria," "Hysteria By GIRLONFILM," "Hysteria Angels," and "Hysteria Mens," contributors acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.

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