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  • Hysteria By GIRLONFILM Contributor


Anna Jewel Schluterman is an aspiring fine art and fashion photographer based in New York


Schluterman has been developing her work for several years with an enthusiasm for experimenting with a variety of subject matter. She takes inspiration from all forms of art such as painting, cinema, literature, and of course other works of photography.

Her work can be characterized by a pastel color palette, a quality that is dreamy and whimsical with a touch of nostalgia.

“When I look at art I’m usually looking at its aesthetics. The visual aspect of photography is what drives me to create. Of course, I appreciate when art has a deeper meaning that isn’t quite recognized at the surface, but there is something so enchanting about being able to look at a work of art and be immediately transported into a different world".

Photography allows me to create fabricated scenes about my life, or rather about a world where I would like to live. My passion drives me to create dreamy, colorful images that make its viewer feel something.

Fashion is what first interested me in photography. I fell in love with putting outfits together and capturing the quality of the fabrics and colors and silhouettes on camera.

Heather Harpole By Anna Jewel Schluterman

I especially love to photograph people and faces. There’s a connection and sense of vulnerability when you are photographing a person that I just don’t feel when I’m photographing products. That being said, whenever I shoot landscapes or scenes, they are typically candid.

When I feel the energy and see the beauty of where I am at, I can’t help but photograph it.

This is when I really focus on composition and color to ground the image.

These moments are usually taken on my point-and-shoot film camera, which is easy to carry around with me.

I look to the photography of Petra Collins and Wolfgang Tillmans, as well as the cinematography of Sofia Coppola, for inspiration in subject matter and coloring.

I believe I wouldn’t be the photographer I am right now without the influence of their works.


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