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23-year-old Connecticut native Amira Elfeky moved to California in 2018 in pursuit of what she describes as her “reason for existence”…. music. Before embarking on her own solo journey, Amira fronted an alt-rock band for 1.5 years where she provided vocals and guitar. 

Amira decided she wanted full control over her vision prompting her to embark on a solo career with drummer Brandon Iljas. Together they wrote “Dolores” an infectiously melancholy anthem that gained a coveted spot on David Burkhart’s Compact Cassette playlist as well as atop two Spotify editorial playlists and a variety of blogs

Amira’s small yet fulfilling discography has proven her validity as an artist. She has currently been working on an alternative rock collection of songs, heavily driven by guitar and drums. 

Amira hopes to bring a freshness into an already heavily saturated genre by fusing heavy instrumentals with her gentle layered vocals. 

Her introspective tendency truly guides her songwriting where listeners are able to connect with her story telling about mental health and the intricacies of relationships.

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